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Annual Meeting 2021

The meeting was held online, via Zoom, on Saturday,  January 9, 9:00 am. We had one featured speaker and elected officers for 2021.


Image at right: Since we couldn't have our usual social gathering with donuts and coffee we had to make do with a virtual image.


Minutes  pdf

meeting slides pdf


Speaker: Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, CEO, Open Research Institute

 Topic: Amateur Radio Satellite


Michelle Thompson, W5NYV spoke about advances in the amateur radio satellite community. "Open Source", a term associated with Linux and many other non-commercial software ventures, is an important heritage for Amateur Radio. The term, generally applied, means sharing the designs and source of technological developments of both software and hardware. 


Michelle talked about how Open Source has finally managed to be embedded deeply into the amateur and commercial satellite communities (even NASA contributes open source), thereby accelerating and enhancing the capabilities the amateur community can launch into space and reuse on the ground.


Presentation slides (pdf)

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