History of SPECS
The Southern Peninsula Emergency Communications System Users Group (SPECSUG) and the Southern Peninsula Emergency Communications System Repeater Association (SPECSRA) share a common history, a significant overlap in membership, and play complementary roles in supporting Amateur Radio emergency communications services throughout Santa Clara County and surrounding areas. The two organizations have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
History of SPECS and W6ASH repeater
History of SPECS, 1989 ARRL Account by Walt Read, W6ASH (pdf)
Handwritten History of SPECS, 1992, by Walt Read, W6ASH (pdf)
In Memory of W6ASH (pdf)
Transfer of W6ASH call sign to SPECS (pdf)
Short History of SPECS by Peter Griffith, WA6VAQ (pdf)
SPECS RA Time Line by Peter Griffith, WA6VAQ (pdf)
Presentation recording of History of SPECS (YouTube), starts at time 18:41 (click "show more" in description to see full time line)
May 1965 QST article about W6ASH and friends (pdf)
June 1965 QST article about W6ASH and friends (pdf)
W6ASH Sanction letter, Oct. 27, 1979
SPECS Brochure 1983
Loma Prieta earthquake audio files of W6ASH repeater, recorded by Eric, N6OIM

The First W6ASH Repeater.

Walt Read, W6ASH